Prebiotic Detox

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Prebiotic Detox


Colon Detox contains a number of elements that will help to cleanse and detoxify the gut.

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Colon Detox contains a number of elements that will help to cleanse and detoxify the gut. They include:

Oats. About half of the fiber in oatmeal is soluble, which means it functions with the help of water. When soluble fiber merges with water, it creates a gel. This material is slow-moving, delaying digestion of food. As a result, vitamins, minerals and other nourishing elements get adequate time to be absorbed through intestinal walls. That slow-moving sludge even delays sugar absorption, keeping your blood glucose at a more stable level.

The remaining half of the fiber in oatmeal is insoluble fiber. Picture a tiny push broom moving through your bowels, sweeping out every nook and cranny. That's exactly what insoluble fiber does. In addition to improving regularity, it also makes your stools softer, minimizing your need to strain when you use the restroom. Having regular bowel movements helps remove toxins from your body, which could reduce the risk of some cancers.

Alfalfa (leaf) Alfalfa has one of the greatest root systems which allows for the plant to soak up several of the key vitamins and nutrients found within the soil from which it grows. Vitamins B, K, A, D, E, iron, potassium, and magnesium are just a few of the essentials you will find in this nutrient-dense plant! Alfalfa has been known to help with not only digestive ailments but also inflammation, tooth decay, and aid in the clotting of blood. It also has very high levels of chlorophyll which increases oxygenation throughout the body.

Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus acidophilus is a probiotic bacteria that naturally occurs in the human gut and other parts of the body. This bacteria helps the digestive system break down sugars, such as lactose, into lactic acid. Trillions of bacteria and other micro-organisms live in every person's gut. 

Rhubarb (root) Rhubarb’s main health benefits are its ability to promote detoxification, and its power of astringency. An astringent substance is a chemical compound that shrinks or contracts body tissues, thereby diminishing discharges of mucus or blood. Rhubarb is a natural laxative that has been traditionally used to treat episodes of constipation without creating a “lazy bowel,” which is a common side effect of repeated use of over-the-counter laxatives.

Gentian (root) Gentian is an herb. The root of the plant and, less commonly, the bark are used to make medicine.Gentian is used for digestion problems such as loss of appetite, fullness, intestinal gas, diarrhea, gastritis, heartburn, and vomiting. It is also used for fever, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Some people use gentian to prevent muscle spasms, treat parasitic worms, start menstrual periods, and as a germ killer.

Aloe Vera (leaf) Benefits of aloe vera  include: Treating constipation. Aloe vera is popular for its medicinal properties. Providing vitamin C. About 8 oz of fortified aloe vera juice contains 9.1 grams of vitamin C. Staying hydrated. Reducing gum inflammation . Controlling blood sugar levels. Preventing stomach ulcers.

Cascara Sagrada (bark) Cascara sagrada is primarily used to treat constipation. The anthraquinones contained in the bark inhibit the absorption of water and electrolytes in the intestines. Because of this, stool volume increases as it absorbs the excess water, which increases pressure within the intestine.

Goldenseal (root) In addition to helping the immune system, goldenseal by itself has been known to be a great aid for the digestive system, helping to relieve the symptoms of constipation and diarrhea. Goldenseal extract is also added to several skin and cosmetics products because it is a great natural herb that promotes healthy ski

Buckthorn Buckthorn (bark) helps stomach or intestinal problems. Improve blood pressure or blood cholesterol. Prevent or manage blood vessel or heart disease. Booss immunity and prevent infections.Treat obesity.

Bentonite Clay delivers a boost of nutrients including Calcium, Magnesium, Silica, Sodium, Copper, Iron and Potassium to the body, helping to replenish vitamin and mineral levels and alkalinize the body. It has also been known to help relieve digestive problems and complaints such as constipation, IBS and nausea by cleansing the gut of toxins, chemicals, impurities and heavy metals